Project C3


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Padma Kant Shukla
Institute for Theoretical Physics IV
Ruhr-University Bochum


Instabilities and Nonlinear Dynamics Beyond the Magnetic Threshold


The present project is a continuation of our previous theme in C3, viz. exploring new horizons
of instabilities and nonlinear dynamics beyond magnetic threshold in plasmas. During the next
three years tenure of the research unit 1048, we shall be mostly concerned with the investigation
of the generation of magnetic fields, multi-scale magnetic turbulence and coherent structures
(e.g. vortices) in nonuniform plasmas with equilibrium pressure gradient and sheared plasma
flows. For this purpose, we shall develop new theoretical models combined with 3D numerical
simulations of the governing multi-fluid and kinetic equations for investigating the generation of
long and short wavelength (in comparison with the ion gyroradius) drift-Alfvén waves and zonal
magnetic fields in nonuniform magnetoplasmas, and nonlinear couplings between drift-Alfv´      en
waves and zonal magnetic fields. Our 3D numerical simulations of nonlinear magnetic struc-
tures (e.g. vortices) will include the ion finite Larmor radius (FLR) effect. Furthermore, kinetic
effects will be investigated by means of Vlasov simulations of nonlinear magnetic mirror modes
and 3D large amplitude magnetic holes and humps, including trapped ion effects. Besides, we
shall also investigate the magnetic field generation in the presence of relativistic plasma flows
and by inverse Faraday effects caused by intense electromagnetic waves carrying orbital angular
momentum in nonuniform multi-component (e.g. electron-positron-ion) magnetoplasmas. Finally,
our theoretical and numerical results shall be compared with available observations from
both space and laboratory magnetoplasmas.